
Project: Baby Things

I’ve been physically tired by the time evening rolls around, and my brain power isn’t much higher either.

This sweater, which I’ve knit before, is my evening knitting. I have much Love for Elizabeth Zimmerman.

I’m knitting the amoeba-like manta ray sweater thingity [aka BSJ]. My cousin is expecting at the end of December, and I wanted to knit something for her little one. There is enough stitch counting to keep me awake, but it’s all garter, so no thought involved there. I’m so glad I have this as my moving knitting.

I finally, finally, have knitted the Elizabeth Zimmerman Baby Surprise Jacket. Stash busted, too. I have maybe five yards left over. SWEET.

I actually ran out of yarn two rows before I was done with the knitting, but it worked in my favor. The BSJ would have looked jaundiced if it was monochrome. Matt offered up some leftovers from his sock stash*. The orange? Perfect. I was able to knit the last two rows and bind off. Then, taking a note from Stephanie”s BSJ, I crocheted in the orange around the neckline and the sleeves. SO CUTE.

It’s also HUGE. That’s my iron for scale. I wasn’t knitting this with a recipient in mind, just to use up the stash and to finally knit it. It’s large enough for a toddler, me thinks, and in a nice, gender neutral shade. I may just keep it for myself for if and when I have kidlets. Or-  I may give it away. We’ll see.

A note about the yarn: spliiiiiittttty. It’s a discontinued Berrocco? I think? I lost the ball bands? There are little bits of yarn that I didn’t catch and when I went back to pick them up? STILL POUFFY. Also, since it’s mercerized, I cannot weave ends in. So there are little knots. I will NEVER use this yarn again. It was a gift from a friend, she wasn’t going to use it because she hated how it knitted up, and would I be able to find a use for it? Yes, yes indeed.

*I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before, but Matt has his own stash of yarn. He doesn’t knit, or anything of that fibery manner, but it’s the stuff for the socks I knit for him, and is in his own stash since it comes out of his stash budget and is stored separately from mine.